Executive Decision Services LLC
is a management consulting firm that facilitates collaborative problem-solving and consensus decision-making processes.   Our consultants facilitate group processes, manage information, and use analytical tools to resolve conflicts and produce effective decisions.

We work with ongoing, single-organization teams (e.g. executive teams, work groups) as well as ad-hoc groups that include representation from multiple parties (e.g., expert panels, task forces, commissions, round tables).  We provide training and educational programs in group facilitation, decision making, judgment analysis, problem solving, information management, and storytelling.

Our decision conferencing approach integrates group process facilitation with structured analytical methods and electronic technologies. We emphasize participation in the decision-making process, building a shared understanding of the issues, commitment to a plan of action, and improvement in the ability of group members to work together effectively.

Judgment Analysis is a method for learning about, analyzing, and improving how people make judgments and decisions. More …

Stories at Work®

Stories are told at work, but they also do work, that is, stories can help an organization accomplish its aims.  We collect and tell organizational stories, conduct storytelling workshops, and present storytelling programs.  Stories at Work®

Book cover image

The Application of Statistics to Policy Analysis and Management: An Introduction

  • Part I: Univariate Descriptive Statistics
  • Part II: Bivariate and Multivariate Descriptive Statistics
  • Part III: Inferential Statistics


Participants at Sticky Wall


Customer Feedback

Articles and Resources

The Handbook For Working With Difficult Groups

The Handbook For Working With Difficult Groups

Sandy Schuman, Editor

We’ve all experienced the challenges associated with working with groups, but Working with Difficult Groups turns the idea of “difficult groups” on its head. Rather than view groups as inherently difficult, we look at the factors that make working with groups difficult. …

Creating a Culture of Collaboration

Creating a Culture of Collaboration

Sandy Schuman, Editor

How can we create greater shared meaning and sense of purpose, make more effective choices, and enhance our interpersonal and interorganizational relationships? How can we work together more effectively, involve the full diversity of players and still get things done? …

The IAF Handbook of Group Faciliation

The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation

Sandy Schuman, Editor

The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation provides an overview of the field for new and aspiring practitioners and a reliable reference for experienced group facilitators …

Blog Logo

Read Sandor Schuman's Blog, Communication, Collaboration, Consensus


Executive Decision Services LLC
Albany, New York



& Keynotes

at Work


of Statistics

This Too Shall Pass Press

This Too
Shall Pass